By Jaime Cortez

Transformation—such a powerful word to describe the changes we undergo throughout our lives. With songs that encourage us to leave everything behind and surrender to God's call, Transformation is the perfect title for Jaime Cortez’s new collection. These songs, drawn straight from the Scriptures, feature simple, straightforward melodies and lyrics, and are wonderful for praise bands, youth groups and church ensembles to play at retreats, prayer gatherings and even Mass. Featuring musical styles that range from rock with electric guitars to an indie-folk sound with violin and piano, this album is perfect for those who are feeling called to minister in a new way or those experiencing overall change in their lives.
The flowing melody and simple lyrics of “Take Up Your Cross” enhance any liturgy with its message of discipleship and following Christ wherever he leads. “The Servant King” speaks lovingly of Christ’s sacrifice with easy-to-learn lyrics in a captivating folk style, and the title track speaks of God's greatness and our struggle to trust the Lord with our lives.
Throughout every track Jaime successfully accomplishes his mission that "these songs be prayers of transformation when our God calls us into a deeper level of ministry.”